The prospect of moving to a new house, whether it be in the same area, or all the way across the country, can be daunting. There is a lot of work and expense involved. If you plan, you can save time and money in the process.
While the operation can seem like a mountain to climb, there are several steps along the way that will help that mountain much more obtainable.
Research is the most important thing you will need to do to save time and money. Take an inventory of the stuff in your house, so you have an idea of what kind of work is ahead. Being prepared will help you in several ways. It will give you an idea of what type of transportation you will need. It will help you with the number of things you will want to sell, donate or send to the trash. It will also give you an idea of how much help you will need from friends and family if they are helping.
Depending on how much time you have to pack, the best plan is to start the least used rooms. From there, progressively go to the places that you use the most. It is a good idea to organize by room, with like items in boxes. Also, it is a good idea to have clothing broken up by season. Winter clothes in some boxes, summer in another. Another tip is to pack items that can be stored for a while, and save several boxes for things that you will need from day to day. The organization is also an excellent time to purge clothing. You should do this as much before the move as possible, so when generous people come to help you move, they are only running bulky items or boxes that are all ready to go.
Use what you already have. If you already have lots of storage crates or extra boxes, you are already ahead of the game. Usually, you will need much more than what you already have though. An excellent way to find boxes is to ask friends who have recently moved or groups that you may be a part of on Facebook. Another place to look is at local grocery or retail stores who are continually getting shipments of inventory. Smaller boxes are also available at your local post office.
Whether you are just moving a few boxes at a time, across the neighborhood, renting and driving the truck yourself, or hiring a professional mover, you will need some way to transport your possessions to your new home. Make sure you shop around to find the best company. Don’t be afraid to ask for a discount if it is during the off-season (winter months) or if it is during the week when things aren’t as busy.
When it comes to moving it is a process and the more preparation you go through, the better it is for you and your family as well as others who are giving you help.